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Consortium for the Protection of Valcalepio wines

An organisation founded in 1976 to protect and promote the wine and winemakers in the so-called “Giardino di Bergamo” (Garden of Bergamo): the Valcalepio valley.

Valcalepio is a long, narrow strip of foothills that stretches for about 70 kilometres between the rivers Adda and Oglio. It is Bergamo’s green oasis and its most precious jewel.

At certain points the hillsides reach gradients that are sometimes prohibitive for cultivation, but at the same time this topography gives the wines unique characteristics of flavour, structure and personality. These vineyards are the finest expression of Valcalepio and its people: Bergamo’s viticultural population, which comprises vine growers, winemakers and bottlers.

The first Consortium for Oenological Protection dedicated to the newly-created Orobian DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin) wine, Valcalepio, officially began its activities in 1976 in Bergamo.

2016 therefore represented a milestone, the first 40 years of an institution that has accomplished a great deal and continues to dedicate constant commitment to the protection and promotion of one of Bergamo’s points of excellence, Valcalepio DOC wine. The Consortium, working tirelessly with a forward-looking approach, has invested in the production of wine with designation of origin; it has coordinated meetings between producers and technical consultants; it has organised visits in Italy and abroad to refine the technical knowledge of producers and growers; it has pursued the path of training and education to enable everyone, young and old, to learn, know and grow.

The task of safeguarding this wine, pursued for over 40 years, has been, is and will continue to be, profoundly important for DOC wine production in the Bergamo area. The DOC quality mark is an award, but it also represents a commitment, especially towards the consumer, who is guaranteed that the product is made according to certain rules and procedures and in compliance with a specification, so that customers know exactly what they are drinking.

Valcalepio Rosso DOC, the undisputed star of the Designation, recognised in 1976, is a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes processed separately (because the two grape varieties ripen at different times).

The suitability of the Bergamo area for the production of red wines has made it possible, for some batches that show specific conditions of maturity and structure, to be awarded the appellation Riserva (Reserve) after a three-year period of ageing. The Riserva type has the characteristics of Valcalepio Rosso DOC, but it is enhanced by a more complex structure and a notably greater personality.

Valcalepio Bianco DOC is made from a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco and Pinot Grigio grapes in the proportions indicated by the regulations (55-80% Pinot Bianco and/or Chardonnay, 20-45% Pinot Grigio).

Lastly, Colleoni DOC is the latest Bergamo DOC, authorised by a ministerial decree in May 2011. The first vintage was, in fact, 2011, and it represents a true renaissance for some of the area’s native grape varieties, cultivated for centuries in the land around Bergamo.

Bergamo’s wine production does not comprise just DOC wines. It is completed by the range of wines labelled as “indicazione geografica tipica” (protected geographical indication). In these wines, there is a powerful bond with the local area, as traditional grape varieties are used with winemaking techniques designed to express a taste linked to the pleasure of drinking. It is in this area that winegrowers feel freer to experiment and express their personality and ambition to the full.

Below is a list of the winemakers that belong to the Consorzio Tutela Valcalepio.

  • 4R S.r.l.
  • Az. Agr. Cerri
  • Az. Agr. De Toma Giacomo
  • Az. Agr. Il Castelletto
  • Az. Agr. La Rovere
  • Az. Agr. La Tordela
  • Soc. Agr. Locatelli Caffi s.s.
  • Az. Agr. Magri Sereno
  • Soc. Agr. Agrilocatelli s.s.
  • Az. Agr. Bertoli Angelo
  • Az. Agr. Bonaldi – Cascina Del Bosco S.r.l.
  • Az. Agr. Cà d’Argon
  • Soc. Agr. Cà del Manent
  • Az. Agr. Cà Verde
  • Az. Agr. Cancelli Giuseppe
  • Cantina Sociale Bergamasca s.c.a
  • Az. Agr. Castello degli Angeli Soc. Agr.
  • Az. Agr. Cattaneo Pierangelo
  • Az. Agr. Cavalli Faletti s.a.s.
  • Soc. Agr. Celinate S.r.l.
  • Az. Agr. Colpani Cesare
  • Coop. OIKOS
  • Az. Agr. Daldossi Giancarlo
  • Az. Agr. Del Negrone
  • Az. Agr. Floricoltura San Vincenzo
  • Az. Agr. Gotti Lucia
  • Az. Agr. Grassenis Sonia
  • Az. Agr. Grimoldi
  • Az. Agr. Guerini
  • Az. Agr. Il Calepino
  • Az. Agr. Il Cipresso
  • Soc. Agr. Il Grappolo s.s. di Panza & C.
  • Az. Agr. La Bironda
  • Az. Agr. Le Sorgenti
  • Az. Agr. Locatelli Battista
  • Az. Agr. Locatelli Bonetti
  • Az. Agr. Lurani Cernuschi
  • Az. Agr. Marchesi Vladimir
  • Az. Agr. Medolago Albani
  • Az. Agr. Mur Long
  • Az. Agr. Oldrati Angelo
  • Az. Agr. Orsini Giuseppe
  • Soc. Agr. Palma Camozzi Vertova M.E. e C.S.N.C.
  • Az. Agr. Pedrinis
  • Az. Agr. Ravasio Alba
  • Az. Agr. Rota Giuseppe
  • Az. Agr. San Giuseppe S.r.l.
  • Az. Agr. Savoldi
  • Soc. Agr. Soleluna F.lli Pagani
  • Az. Agr. Suardo Giacomo
  • Az. Agr. Tallarini Vincenzo
  • Az. Agr. Tallarini Angelo
  • Az. Agr. Tenuta degli Angeli
  • Az. Agr. Tenuta Maria
  • Az. Agr. Tosca
  • Az. Vini Valoti
  • Az. Agr. Vinicola Cangelli Sergio
  • Az. Vinicola Valcalepio dei F.lli Falconi s.n.c.

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