
Place of interest

“Buca del Corno” Cave


A rarity in the entire region, the Buca del Corno at Entratico with its 385 metres in length is one of the few caves that can be visited in Lombardy: inside, after the entrance gallery, there is first the Waterfall Hall and then the Vortex Hall, from which two other tunnels depart, one of which is crossed by water.

Visits are only by reservation with a guide for the tour inside the cave tunnels (reservation is strongly recommended).

Visits are organised every Sunday from April (or early May) until the end of September (except on rainy days) in 3 groups of a maximum of 20 people.

Group 1 – 2.30 p.m.
Group 2 – 3.45 p.m.
Group 3 – 5 p.m.

TO RESERVE, go to the Events section.

For midweek visits (minimum group of 8 people) please contact the Entratico Municipality at +39 035942021.

Adults – €3.50
Children over 6 years – €1.50
Children under 6 years – free of charge

Duration of visit: about 60 minutes

– Guided tours can also be booked for groups and school classes on other dates than the scheduled ones;
– Parking: YES (near the road, at the top of Via Corno that leads to the cave entrance); coaches cannot reach this location, and should park in the car parks on Viale Libertà near the Municipal Sports Centre.
– The entrance to the cave can be reached on foot by following the “Pendesa” path running uphill from the centre of the village (a walk of about 40 minutes);
– Possibility of picnics in the area outside the cave.

“In the meantime, it is enough for you to know that Buca del Corno also offers its small contribution to the history of prehistoric times: extinguished coals, a sign of primitive dining; worked bones, and even a fragment of a flint knife, and a crude earthenware, all mixed with a blackish and greasy loam, which one could say was rubbish of that truly primitive house”. In the words of Abbot Antonio Stoppani in 1875, we find a description of the ancient and fascinating Entratico cave as he told it to his grandchildren.

One of the cave’s inhabitants is a rare beetlethe Allegrettia Pavani, a unique species studied by academics in Italy and Germany, which shares this dark and damp environment with numerous other insects. It will not be easy to meet it, as it is not very sociable, but during a visit to the Buca del Corno, you will learn the secrets of this ancient cave dating back to the Jurassic era, where numerous fossils have also been found.

Among the “rooms” of the Buca del Corno is the Altare room, which during the Iron Age was most probably used as a burial place, given the artefacts and remains found, which are now on display at the Bergamo Archaeological Museum, as well as its speleological value: in fact, its structure is perfect for understanding what the karstic phenomenon is, and the cave represents a precise cross-section for understanding what goes on beneath the earth.

Around the Buca del Corno today, a six thousand square metre park is ideal for spending a day in the open air after venturing into the depths of the mountain. Dedicated precisely to the Abbot, the Stoppani Park can be reached along the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) Path 629, which starts from Trescore Balneario.

On the Buca del Corno’s official website, you can explore the cave in 3D before discovering its unique atmosphere: its history, speleological aspect, and landscape are illustrated in a series of panels that are part of a guided tour inside and outside the cave. In addition, a detailed model of the cave structure can be found in the Sala Civica of the Municipality of Entratico.


(speleology, Neolithic age)
– the rarity of insects in the cave habitat;
– Waterfall Hall, Whirlpool Hall, Landslide Hall;
– 6.000 mq outdoor nature park.

Promotion and enhancement by the Buca del Corno of Entratico Guide Group.

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