

Trekking – Ol Murlansì


CAI path n° 613, also known as “Ol Mürlansì”, is an ancient track, recently restored with help from the Trescore Val Cavallina branch of CAI (Italian Alpine Club) and local Civil Protection groups. The climb, from the hamlet of Colognola di Casazza to the summit of Mount Ballerino, includes sections on rock (with protection provided by chains). It offers a magnificent view of Lake Endine and the entire valley.

Difficulty: EE (expert hiker)
Time required: 5 hours (circular route)
Total ascent: about 800 m

The route starts at the Molini square (Piazza dei Molini) in Casazza. By taking Via Gasparina and walking along Via Colognola, you reach the 17th-century church dedicated to the Madonna del Carmine (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) in Colognola (428 m), a hamlet of Casazza, then you go uphill on Via Prati Cambia, leaving it by taking Via Bosco Ventrino on the left. Continuing the ascent, follow a wide path to the right, which after several hairpin bends enters a wood of black hornbeam and manna ash. After an hour’s walk, ignoring the detours opening up on right and left, continue uphill through wooded areas and some very steep sections with protection provided by chains. A series of steep hairpin bends brings you to a television repeater station in half an hour. Bear right and then turn left to climb up towards the roccolo (bird trapping installation) named Foppalupo. From the roccolo, carry on along the ridge and, in a short time, you will reach the summit of Mount Ballerino (1,275 m). The route continues downhill along the opposite ridge and joins a road; carry on to the left towards Piazzale Virgo Fidelis. When you reach the square, turn right, following a road going downhill, and then leave it immediately, taking the path that cuts across areas of pastureland. The path continues until you reach a property bordered by a fence, which can be crossed using the appropriate structure. The path continues downhill until you arrive at the Lodi roccolo. While you are approaching a small valley, take the path to the left that heads down to the Cerreto stables. When you reach the hairpin bend in the road leading to the stable, turn right into an old coppice wood and you will soon reach the dirt track that runs along the mountain slopes and takes you to the flat Cummia pastures. By taking the main road, you finally reach the village Molini di Casazza in about an hour.

Source: CAI

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