

Malga Lunga – On the trail of the Partisans


A historical excursion in search of the Partisans of the Second World War, with a visit to the Museo del Partigiano (Partisan Museum) at the historic “Malga Lunga” with its adjoining restaurant.

Ranzanico al Lago – Malga Lunga – Possimo – Fanovo – Ranzanico al Lago

Start and finish: car park in front of the Tutto Pesca store in Via Nazionale 2975, Ranzanico
Total distance: 30.5 km
Maximum height: 1,341 m
Minimum height: 337 m
Duration: 4/5 h (about 3.5 h when using an e-bike)
Cyclability: 100%
Surface: asphalt 35%, concrete 10%, dirt track 30%, single track 25%
Total ascent: about 1,620 m
Difficulty: BC/BC+ (for cycle tourers with good technical skills)
Accessibility: all year round except in case of snow

The “Malga Lunga” circuit starts from the lake near Ranzanico; following the road named Via Zenera, also known as “Ress”, you reach the old centre of the village, from where the climb to the Forcella di Ranzanico saddle begins from Via Luigi Cadorna.

After an ascent of about 5 km, you arrive at Passo della Forcella, at an altitude of 958 m, from where you take the scenic “Andrea Caslini Rocco” CAI trail (n° 513), until you reach trail n° 547. After arriving at the top of Mount Sparavera, you reach Malga Lunga; here you can visit the Museo del Partigiano (Partisan Museum) and eat at the restaurant run by Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d’Italia (National Association of Italian Partisans).

From here you descend from the meadows, staying on path 547, passing through the woods and emerging on trail n° 563, which leads to the hamlet of “Possimo” and offers a superb view that stretches from the Presolana Massif to Montisola.

From here, head downhill towards Sovere and before reaching the town centre, take the road that leads to the “Flavio Tasca” trail which brings you back to Ranzanico. On the way, you pass through the hamlet of Fanovo, from where you can see a beautiful view of Lake Endine. Continuing along the path, you reach the small church of San Bernardino in Ranzanico and then descend towards the lake and the starting point.

Malga Lunga, located in a dominant position in the mountains between Sovere and Gandino, was one of the partisan strongholds during the years of the Resistance.

In 1944, the 53rd Garibaldi Brigade took up position there, adopting the name “Tredici Martiri di Lovere” (Thirteen Martyrs of Lovere) in honour of the thirteen partisans shot in Lovere on 22nd December 1943.

On 17th November 1944, while six men of the unit were out on various assignments, the Malga received a surprise attack by a large force from the Legione Tagliamento. On guard outside at the time was a Russian partisan who did not raise the alarm and who subsequently disappeared. The battle raged for almost three hours until the attackers managed to reach the roof and throw some hand grenades inside, forcing the partisans, who were by then running out of ammunition, to surrender.

Four days later, for all of them came the death sentence. Giorgio Paglia was to be granted a pardon because he was the son of Guido, decorated with a gold medal in the African theatre of war, but the young man refused it, preferring to be shot with his comrades.

In the following years, the Malga Lunga was entrusted by the renowned industrialist, Cavaliere (knight) Gianni Radici, to the partisans of the 53rd Garibaldi Brigade, who, after being urged by Radici himself to take over the property free of charge, proposed to the Bergamo province branch of the ANPI association that this arrangement should be formalised in the manner most opportune. So, in 1979, Malga Lunga was acquired free of charge by the municipality of Sovere, with all legal costs covered thanks to a contribution from Cavaliere Radici.

The building underwent several refurbishments and, in 2012, it reached its current appearance with the creation, on the upper floor, of an educational room and spaces for the multimedia museum dedicated to the entire Bergamo Resistance.

In 2013, ANPI was also granted the land needed to create parking for the Malga’s staff and for the vehicles of disabled visitors, and to provide for concrete ramps for access to the Museum for differently-abled people.

– By car from the Valle Seriana valley:
After about 20 km from Bergamo, turn right towards Gandino (23 km from Bergamo).
Just before entering the village, turn right towards Peia, drive downhill for about 300 metres and turn left at the next roundabout, following the signs for Valpiana – Malga Lunga. Then the road continues for 12 km uphill, winding but fully asphalted, so that it can be travelled by minibuses with a maximum capacity of 9/10 persons (coaches can go up for just 2 km and should park in the factory area).
– Trail n° 545 from Mount Farno in 1 hour and 30 minutes;
– Trail n° 547 from Forcella di Ranzanico in 2 hours and 30 minutes (signposted “sentiero Caslini”, Caslini trail);
– Trail n° 513 from Endine Gaiano, hamlet Fanovo, in 2 hours;
– Trail n° 563 from Sovere, hamlet “Santuario”, in 2 hours;
– Trail n° 544 from Gandino, hamlet “Fontanei”, in about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

The last 1,200 metres are forbidden to vehicular traffic.

For cars parked in the respective car parks in Valpiana, the municipality of Gandino offers “scratch and park” cards, costing 2 euro per day. These scratchcards are distributed in a number of shops in Gandino (including the “Caffè Centrale” on Piazza del Comune) and they are also available from branches of the A.N.P.I. association.

There is a catering service at the mountain lodge.

A publication is also available, both at Malga Lunga and at branches of the ANPI association, which shows seventeen possible routes, complete with illustrations, for reaching the Malga.

Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: all year round, snow permitting.


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