Presentation of the volume edited by Luca Brignoli and Cristina Rodeschini
On Friday 6th September, at 9 p.m., at the Church of the Madonna di Lourdes (Trescore Balneario), there will be the presentation of the volume “Lorenzo Lotto – Itinerari bergamaschi”.
The publication of the volume is part of the project “Le Stagioni del Lotto” (The Seasons of Lotto) coordinated by Pro Loco Trescore Balneario in agreement with the municipalities of Trescore Balneario, Credaro, Caprino Bergamasco and Ponteranica. The project has been financed by Fondazione Cariplo in the framework of the call for proposals “Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture 2023”.
Free entry