

MTB route hovering between the lakes

Endine Gaiano

Cycle path 12%
Paved road 49%
Paved/asphalted road 0%
Gravel/steep road 12%.
Mule track 9%
Footpath 18%

Travel period: ALL YEAR ROUND
Coordinates Start/finish point: N45 47.295 E9 58.898
Maximum altitude: 780 m Monte Clemo
Positive height difference: 1050 m
Distance covered: 34 km
Walking time: half a day
Technical difficulty: 2 out of 5
Physical effort: 3 out of 5
100% cyclable uphill
100% cyclable downhill
e-bike: YES
B&B and/or numerous support points along the route: refuges; water sources in Solto Collina, Esmate, Riva di Solto.


Up and down Monte Clemo between Val Cavallina and Lake Iseo. Beautiful climbs on asphalt and rideable mule tracks alternate with interesting descents on single trails. The route is scenic, and the views of Lake Iseo are incomparable. At the end of the last descent, it is also possible to combine a guided tour of the Valle del Freddo Nature Reserve.
The tour has paths with a particularly draining bottom and is therefore accessible even after periods of rain. Several variants can be included, especially on the northern side, in the direction of Lovere and Castro, it is worth returning several times and getting lost between the two lakes.

Walk along the perimeter wall of the Endine cemetery (1), located to the left of the entrance, and follow the small road that runs alongside the Fossadone stream and soon becomes unpaved. After fording the small (generally dry) valley, go up the stream crossing a public green area characterised by a small lake and the dog training area of the Protezione Volontaria Civile (Civil Protection). Continue along the towpath until you come to Via G. Paglia, where you turn right. Follow it briefly and turn left into via Campone. When you reach the main road (via Gaiano) turn right and follow it to Solto Collina (2). When you reach the village, turn left at the first roundabout and go up via Broletti. After the first hairpin bend, turn left and follow the sign “Sentiero natura del Sebino” (Sebino nature trail) and take a small road that soon becomes a mule track and enters the woods. Follow it uphill with a few ups and downs until you reach, after a final climb, a small dirt track, which you follow uphill to the right. After a flat section with meadows and cultivated fields, turn left at a fork and climb up a mule track alongside a private property. Follow the mule track until you cross the tarmac road going up to Esmate (3).
Turn right here and immediately left, following the signs for the “Sebino Nature Trail”. The dirt road, which runs flat along the fences of the houses, turns into a mule track and climbs up to a sharp turn to the left (do not continue along the track, which goes straight ahead), coming out onto a paved road, near a house. Go up the small road, thus finding yourself on via Monte Clemo, which you follow until you reach the small church of San Rocco (4), where you continue to the right, following the dirt road. After about 200 metres, still on the right, follow the mule track that with a few bends leads to the Hermitage of San Defendente (5), built in the 16th century. From here you can enjoy an extraordinary view of the entire Sebino. Towards the south begins the first descent, which, with about 200 metres of difference in altitude, will take you back to Solto Collina. Initially, you face a very steep single track with numerous rocky obstacles and steps that require good technical skills and attention.
After a more difficult first part, the path becomes smoother, and, keeping to the right, you come out first on a dirt track and then on the asphalt via Apostoli (6), from where you start climbing again. Where Via Papa Giovanni XXIII begins, turn right and climb up the dirt road which, after a hairpin bend, comes out again on a small asphalt road to be followed to the right; when you reach Via Mazzini, turn left. The climb is pleasant and surrounded by greenery. You continue through agricultural and wooded areas with enchanting views of the lake. Continue and, at a crossroads, turn right uphill along via Clisano to via Monte Clemo, where you passed earlier. Turn left going downhill for a few dozen metres towards Esmate (3) and turn into the second small road on the right, the one marked “Sentiero Natura del Sebino”. After a few metres it becomes a dirt track and after the last house, it turns into a mule track that climbs between woods and meadows along the terminal slopes of Monte Clemo (7). At a fork in the road, proceed uphill to the left and shortly afterwards you will reach the summit. Here a mule track leads off up to the summit, which is wooded and not at all scenic. Prepare for the second descent that will take you to the lake shore. Back at the crossroads, turn left and continue along the dirt road around Monte Clemo. At the first fork, turn right and descend into the forest along dirt tracks with cemented sections. Before reaching the end of the descent, on the plateau of via Cerrete, turn left and follow a path halfway up the hillside that leads slightly uphill to a tarmac road, to be followed to the right down to Cerrete (8). Where having reached via Cerrete, turn left. At its end, continue downhill on asphalt road following via Tonale to the end where it joins via Picco Trenta Passi. Here we advise you to climb up the hump to enjoy the spectacular view of Lake Iseo. Turning left, a dirt road begins, and you immediately leave to the right, taking the spectacular path that will lead you to the lake. Except for a few short technical passages, the track is smooth and beautiful. Long panoramic diagonals alternate with narrow hairpin bends. At the first fork, near a panoramic viewpoint over Lovere and the entire Camonica Valley, as far as the Adamello glaciers, turn right (CAI trail sign 565). Along the hillside, at the first fork descend to the left following CAI path no. 566: the path cuts across the steep slope descending to the lake and has a fine final section, decidedly technical. Reach the coastal road SP 469 in the locality of Grè (9), near the workshops of a company that works marble. Follow the coastal road southwards and you will soon come in sight of the Bogn di Zorzino (10), spectacular cliffs overlooking the lake. Near them, do not take the tunnel, but leave the road and, after climbing over a small wall, follow the old road (closed to traffic) that passes at the foot of the cliffs, which are equipped for climbing. A small beach may come in handy for a refreshing swim. Continue along the small road and after a short tunnel continue along the lakeside promenade to the lakeside of Riva di Solto (11). The village is beautiful and characteristic, well worth a visit, and may also be an opportunity to refresh yourself before tackling the final climb. Behind the village begins the provincial road that climbs to Solto Collina, passing through the hamlets of Gargarino and Zorzino. Having reached Solto Collina again (2), turn right into via Santa Eurosia and immediately right into via IV November. Continue uphill until you turn left onto via Pietra Grossa, which becomes paved and increasingly steep. When you come to an asphalt road, turn right, going uphill until you cross via Adamello and continue along via delle Crappe, which is also steep; at its end turn left and right, going uphill again into the village of Esmate (3). Before reaching the church, turn into via Santa Lucia (CAI signpost 565), which you follow for its entire length, following the signs for Valle del Freddo. After leaving the village, continue along the dirt road. At the first fork, turn right and begin your descent. Do not continue along the dirt road, but leave it immediately to the left and take the path that descends to the Valle del Freddo biotope (12). The path does not present any particular difficulties and with a long diagonal stretch leads into view of the WWF-run reserve. Follow the path that runs along the border of the reserve and, after a short ascent, leads to the dirt track where the entrance to the reserve is located. Turn left near the provincial road and follow the dirt road that runs alongside the small lake of Piangaiano (13) and leads to the beginning of the ascent towards Solto Collina. Turn right and ride back along the stretch of road and cycle path you started from, returning to Endine.


Credits: bibliography “MTB from Bergamo to the Endine and Iseo Lakes” Versante Sud Editions

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