
28th International Charity Carpfishing Marathon on Lake Endine

Lake Endine

From 10th to 13th October 2024 one of the most eagerly awaited events for fishing enthusiasts will occur: the Carpfishing Marathon on the picturesque Lake Endine!

๐ŸŽฏ 3 days of non-stop fishing, exciting challenges, and great opportunities to show off your skills, all for a noble cause! The event supports a charity project, combining passion and solidarity.

๐ŸŒ International competition: anglers from all over the world will compete in this historic marathon, now in its 28th year.

๐Ÿ† Fantastic prizes, moments of sharing and the charm of the lake will make this an unforgettable experience.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Registration open: don’t miss the chance to take part in this great race for a good cause!

๐Ÿ“ Where: Lake Endine
๐Ÿ“… When: 10-13 October 2024

Join us to experience the passion of carp fishing and support those in need!


  1. The draws will start at 9 a.m. at the Tutto Pesca shop in Ranzanico. It is recommended, for those who need to make the fips card or to collect the nature mark card, to arrive well in advance, to avoid hindrances and delays in the drawing. The competition will start at 3 p.m. on Thursday 10th October 2024 and end at 8 a.m. on Sunday 13th October 2024.
  2. The event shall take place in all weather conditions.
  3. The following are prohibited: live bait, baiting with boiled corn, and fishing with floats, including Zig-rig or similar.
  4. Baiting is free from the moment the pair takes possession of the drawn spot, the lake rules apply. It is forbidden to keep more than 2 kg on the fishing spot for baiting and as bait.
  5. FISHING LIMITS: this point is highlighted to avoid complaints. It is emphasised that bait and fishing lines must not be cast beyond the middle of the lake as per provincial regulations between location and location on the same bank, the fishing action must remain within the allocated area. In addition, the lake is heavily frequented by locals who fish for pike by trolling, so it is obligatory to use sinkers, but above all, do not get angry if your lines are hooked by some wad intended for other purposes. One hopes for common sense on both sides.
  6. It is forbidden to fish from pontoons.
  7. It is compulsory to hold an insurance policy for the electric motor.
  8. Each pair must be obliged to be equipped with a hooking mat (mattress raised from the ground or with sides) to avoid injuries to the caught fish, a capacious wading net, and compulsory floating carp sacks for the handling of the catch until the arrival of the organisers, who will release the catch immediately after the weigh-in. Any mishandling of the catch will be punished by the elimination of the pair, immediate termination of the fishing action, and exclusion from the final ranking more than one carp may be kept in the same carpsack, please contact the marshals who will weigh in quickly.
  9. Larger catches, should they be deemed to be of greater weight than those on the leaderboard, will be weighed by the stewards. All other catches must be recorded on the catch sheet and carefully released in their environment.
  10. Should the end of the event occur during the recovery of a fish, the angler still has ample time to bring the fish to the net.
  11. A maximum of 28 pairs are allowed in the event on the entire perimeter of the lake.
  12. A maximum of 6 rods per pair is allowed in the water at the same time, no reserve rods are allowed.
  13. In addition to the participating pair, the standard position may accommodate another person notified in advance to the organisation to support the pair at the time.
  14. Couples must have their boat, with which they will be able to carry out the functions, scouting the assigned place, placing any markers, baiting, laying lines, and retrieving catches, (Due to logistical problems, pedal boats cannot be provided).
  15. The use of life jackets is compulsory (the race direction will be intransigent on this point), no kidding guys, pay attention to this very important detail.
  16. Any markers must be collected at the end of the event.
  17. It is strictly forbidden to: light fires, cut reeds, or make any modifications to the environment in preparation for the fishing spot.
  18. Participants must keep their assigned area clean and not leave any waste at the fishing site. The organization will inspect each station at the end of the event and will take note of its condition for possible future participation.
  19. Participants must bring their own camping and overnight equipment. Gazebos are not recommended, as they may clash with the environment and pose a danger in case of sudden weather changes.
  20. If a participating couple withdraws from the marathon before the event, the first-ranked reserve couple will be admitted. If this happens within the last 15 (fifteen) days before the event, the participation fee will be donated to charity and not refunded, unless there are serious reasons and/or unforeseen circumstances, which will be evaluated case by case by the management.
  21. Regarding the final ranking, the winning couple of the Endine Marathon will be the one that catches the heaviest carp. Any other awards and/or recognitions will be secondary to an event whose main focus is solidarity and friendship, avoiding excessive competition.
  22. The organization declines all responsibility for any damage or accidents that may harm participants, property, or third parties during the event.
  23. For anything not expressly described in these rules, the decisions of the organization are final and not subject to appeal.
  24. It is mandatory to have an FIPS membership card and the official catch record booklet provided at the lake.

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